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commit e1b77cc642b79d4a1880aacb73d1e59070438d88
parent a1b0366996800cbc220824d20255d50f1221bcb8
Author: Administrator@GAMER.EPIC <Administrator@GAMER.EPIC>
Date:   Fri,  5 Jun 2020 14:05:32 -0700

Changed how CYBER POLICE handle colour

MCyberPolice.bat | 308++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------------
Acecho.exe | 0
2 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CyberPolice.bat b/CyberPolice.bat @@ -44,14 +44,33 @@ echo. echo Checking if the CYBER POLICE have Administrative rights... NET SESSION >nul 2>&1 if %errorlevel%==0 ( - call :colorEcho 0a "CYBER POLICE are enforcing as admin!" + cecho {0a}CYBER POLICE are enforcing as admin!{#} echo. ) else ( echo. - echo No admin + cecho {0c}No admin!{#} + echo. echo Please INITIATE the CYBER POLICE taskforce as admin + echo There may be errors... + cecho {0e}Here are some solutions that may work:{#} + echo. + cecho 1. Making a shortcut to the CyberPolice batch file. + echo. + cecho - Then going to the shortcut's propetries and appending: + echo. + cecho - runas /user:{0b}YourAdminUsername{#} /savecred + echo. + cecho - infront of the loaction of the CyberPolice file + echo. + cecho - Note: This error may still come up but the commands will work. + echo. + cecho Sometimes though it still says you lack permission to do things. + echo. + cecho 2. Check your Local Security Policies and Group Policies to see if they are affecting the program [theres a lot] + echo. + echo Press any key to continue... pause>nul - exit + echo. ) echo Checking for powershell... @@ -59,9 +78,9 @@ FOR /F "tokens=3" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1" /v I IF NOT "%PowerShellInstalled%"=="0x1" ( echo Powershell installed: false > %output%\PowershellStatus.txt - call :colorEcho 0c "POWERSHELL NOT INSTALLED!" + cecho {0c}POWERSHELL NOT INSTALLED!{#} echo. - call :colorEcho 0c "The CYBER POLICE can't enforce without it!" + cecho {0c}The CYBER POLICE can't enforce without it!{#} echo. pause>nul exit @@ -70,42 +89,40 @@ IF NOT "%PowerShellInstalled%"=="0x1" ( FOR /F "tokens=3" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine" /v PowerShellVersion ^| FIND "PowerShellVersion"') DO SET PowerShellVersion=%%A echo Powershell installed: true Version: %PowerShellVersion% > %output%\PowershellStatus.txt -call :colorEcho 0a "Powershell is installed!!" +cecho {0a}Powershell is installed!!{#} +echo. echo. for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%a in ('systeminfo ^| find "OS Name"') do set os=%%a for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ("%os%") do set os=%%a -call:colorEcho 0b "The CYBER POLICE have detected" -call:colorEcho 0d " %os%" -call:colorEcho 0b " as host's OS" +cecho {0b}The CYBER POLICE have detected {0d}%os% {0b}as host's OS{#} echo. echo %os%>%output%\"OSVERSION.txt" for /f %%a in ('set ^| find "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"') do set proArc=%%a set proArc=%proArc:~23% -call:colorEcho 0b "The CYBER POLICE have detected" -call:colorEcho 0d " %proArc%" -call:colorEcho 0b " as host's CPU architecture" +cecho {0b}The CYBER POLICE have detected {0d}%proArc% {0b}as host's CPU architecture{#} echo. echo %proArc%>%output%\"CPUARCHITECTURE.txt" -call:colorEcho 0b "Running as user" -call:colorEcho 0a " %you%" +cecho {0b}Running as user {0a}%you%{#} +echo. echo. set dism=%toolsPath%\DISM%proArc%\DISM\dism.exe %powershellPath% -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%powershellScriptPath%/CreateRestorePoint.ps1" +echo. %powershellPath% -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%powershellScriptPath%/UserList.ps1" echo. -call :colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have finished initializing!" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have finished initializing!{#} echo. echo Press any key to begin CYBER POLICE OPS... pause>nul echo. -call:colorEcho 0e "Do you want [A]uto or [M]anual (Default is [M]anual)" +cecho {0e}Do you want [A]uto or [M]anual (Default is [M]anual){#} echo. set /p aus="[A/M]: " if /i "%aus%" neq "A" goto:manual @@ -113,7 +130,7 @@ goto:auto :auto for %%A in (%functions%) do call:autoCheck %%A -call :colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have finished running auto" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have finished running auto{#} echo. echo Press any key to switch to manual... pause>nul @@ -131,14 +148,7 @@ goto:EOF :manual echo. -call :colorEcho 07 "Type" -call:colorEcho 0b " exit" -call :colorEcho 07 " to" -call:colorEcho 0c " exit" -call :colorEcho 07 " and" -call:colorEcho 0b " help" -call :colorEcho 07 " for" -call :colorEcho 0a " help" +cecho {07}Type {0b}exit {07}to {0c}exit {07}and {0b}help {07}for {0a}help{#} echo. set /p act="What should the CYBER POLICE do: " @@ -146,7 +156,7 @@ if "%act%"=="exit" exit if "%act%"=="help" ( echo CYBER POLICE available actions: for %%F in (%functions%) do ( - call:colorEcho 0b "%%F" + cecho {0b}%%F{#} echo. ) pause>nul @@ -154,20 +164,16 @@ if "%act%"=="help" ( ) for %%F in (%functions%) do ( if %%F==%act% ( - call:colorEcho 0a "CYBER POLICE are executing" - call:colorEcho 0b " %act%" + cecho {0a}CYBER POLICE are executing {0b}%act%{#} echo. echo. call:%act% - call:colorEcho 0a "CYBER POLICE have finished executing" - call:colorEcho 0b " %act%" + cecho {0a}CYBER POLICE have finished executing {0b}%act%{#} echo. goto:endOfManual ) ) -call:colorEcho 0c "CYBER POLICE could not find" -call:colorEcho 0b " %act%" -call:colorEcho 0c " operation!" +cecho {0c}CYBER POLICE could not find {0b}%act% {0c}operation!{#} echo. :endOfManual pause>nul @@ -193,22 +199,22 @@ goto:EOF :servicesLoop %~1 %path%\CyberPoliceOutput\Services\%~2 if %errorlevel%==1 ( - call :colorEcho 0e "%~2 failed to write!" + cecho {0e}%~2 failed to write!{#} echo. - call :colorEcho 0e "Creating file and trying again..." + cecho {0e}Creating file and trying again...{#} echo. call :createFile "%path%\CyberPoliceOutput\Services\%~2" %~2 if %errorlevel%==1 ( - call :colorEcho 0c "%~2 could not be written to!" + cecho {0c}%~2 could not be written to!{#} echo. ) else ( - call :colorEcho 0a "%~2 was successfully written to!" + cecho {0a}%~2 was successfully written to!{#} echo. goto:EOF ) ) else ( - call :colorEcho 0a "%~2 was successfully written to!" + cecho {0a}%~2 was successfully written to!{#} echo. ) goto:EOF @@ -223,15 +229,13 @@ goto:EOF :passwordpol echo The CYBER POLICE are setting a password policy... net accounts /lockoutthreshold:5 /MINPWLEN:8 /MAXPWAGE:30 /MINPWAGE:15 /UNIQUEPW:15 -call:colorEcho 0a "Password policy set!" +cecho {0a}Password policy set! echo. -call:colorEcho 0e "(NOTICE) The CYBER POLICE cannot set the following functions through script..." +cecho {0e}(NOTICE) The CYBER POLICE cannot set the following functions through script... echo. -call:colorEcho 07 "Password policy must meet complexity to" -call:colorEcho 0b " enable" +cecho {07}Password policy must meet complexity to {0b}enabled echo. -call:colorEcho 07 "Store passwords using reversible encryption to" -call:colorEcho 0b " disabled" +cecho {07}Store passwords using reversible encryption to {0b}disabled{#} echo. call:manualVerify "secpol.msc" goto:EOF @@ -242,7 +246,7 @@ echo. net accounts /lockoutduration:30 net accounts /lockoutthreshold:5 net accounts /lockoutwindow:30 -call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have successfully set a lockout policy" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have successfully set a lockout policy{#} echo. call:manualVerify "secpol.msc" goto:EOF @@ -251,57 +255,53 @@ goto:EOF echo The CYBER POLICE are setting auditing success and failure for all categories... auditpol /set /category:* /success:enable auditpol /set /category:* /failure:enable -call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have successfully set an audit policy" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have successfully set an audit policy{#} echo. call:manualVerify "secpol.msc" goto:EOF :lsp echo CYBER POLICE are starting Local Security Policy setup... -call:colorEcho 0e "(NOTICE) this will make changes to Local Secuity Policy. Things you have set may be changed." +cecho {0e}(NOTICE) this will make changes to Local Secuity Policy. Things you have set may be changed.{#} echo. call:backuplsp goto:managelsp :managelsp echo. -call:colorEcho 0b "You are running" -call:colorEcho 0d " %os%" +cecho {0b}You are running {0d}%os%{#} echo. echo CYBER POLICE found these OS' that have available LSP files: set i=0 for /f %%G in ('dir %configPath%\lgpoTemplates /a:d /b') do ( set /a i+=1 set osChoices[!i!]=%%~G - call:colorEcho 0b "%%G" + cecho {0b}%%G{#} echo. ) echo. set osChoicesFiles=%i% echo Select an os... -call:colorEcho 0e "(NOTE) input is case sensitive." -call:colorEcho 0c " (exit to exit)" +cecho {0e}(NOTE) input is case sensitive. {0c}(exit to exit){#} echo. set /p selOs="OS: " if "%selOs%"=="exit" ( - call:colorEcho 0c "Local Security Policy was not configured" + cecho {0c}Local Security Policy was not configured{#} echo. call:manualVerify "secpol.msc" goto:EOF ) for /L %%i in (1,1,%osChoicesFiles%) do ( if !osChoices[%%i]!==%selOs% ( - call:colorEcho 0a "Os set to configure Local Security Policy is" - call:colorEcho 0b " !osChoices[%%i]!" + cecho {0a}Os set to configure Local Security Policy is {0b}!osChoices[%%i]!{#} echo. set lspEditOs=!osChoices[%%i]! goto:pickLspType goto:EOF ) ) -call:colorEcho 0b "%selOs%" -call:colorEcho 0c " is not a valid os" +cecho {0b}%selOs% {0c}is not a valid os{#} echo. set /p aus="Continue? [Y/(N)]: " if /i "%aus%" == "Y" goto:managelsp @@ -309,47 +309,40 @@ echo. goto:EOF :pickLspType -call:colorEcho 08 "CYBER POLICE found these LSP templates for" -call:colorEcho 0b " %lspEditOs%" +cecho {08}CYBER POLICE found these LSP templates for {0b}%lspEditOs%{#} echo. set i=0 for /f %%G in ('dir %configPath%\lgpoTemplates\%lspEditOs% /a:d /b') do ( set /a i+=1 set temChoices[!i!]=%%~G - call:colorEcho 0b "%%G" + cecho {0b}%%G{#} echo. ) echo. set temChoicesFiles=%i% echo Select a LSP template... -call:colorEcho 0e "(NOTE) input is case sensitive." -call:colorEcho 0c " (exit to exit)" +cecho {0e}(NOTE) input is case sensitive. {0c}(exit to exit){#} echo. set /p selTem="LSP Template: " if "%selTem%"=="exit" ( - call:colorEcho 0c "Local Security Policy was not configured" + cecho {0c}Local Security Policy was not configured{#} echo. call:manualVerify "secpol.msc" goto:EOF ) for /L %%i in (1,1,%temChoicesFiles%) do ( if !temChoices[%%i]!==%selTem% ( - call:colorEcho 0a "Set to configure Local Security Policy" - call:colorEcho 0b " !temChoices[%%i]!" + cecho {0a}Set to configure Local Security Policy {0b}!temChoices[%%i]!{#} echo. %lgpo% /g %configPath%\lgpoTemplates\%lspEditOs%\!temChoices[%%i]! /v - call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have now set" - call:colorEcho 0b " %lspEditOs%" - call:colorEcho 0a " Local Security Policy to" - call:colorEcho 0b " !temChoices[%%i]!" + cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have now set {0b}%lspEditOs% {0a}Local Security Policy to {0b}!temChoices[%%i]!{#} echo. call:manualVerify "secpol.msc" goto:EOF ) ) -call:colorEcho 0b "%selTem%" -call:colorEcho 0c " is not a valid template" +cecho {0b}%selTem% {0c}is not a valid template{#} echo. set /p aus="Continue? [Y/(N)]: " if /i "%aus%" == "Y" goto:pickLspType @@ -357,15 +350,16 @@ echo. goto:EOF :backuplsp -call:colorEcho 0b "A back up of secpol.msc will be created..." +cecho {0b}A back up of secpol.msc will be created...{#} echo. set /p aus="Make backup? [Y/N]: " if /i "%aus%" == "Y" ( - %lgpo% /b "%output%/lgpoBackup" - call:colorEcho 0a "Backup of LSP created" + if not exist "%output%\lgpoBackup" mkdir "%output%\lgpoBackup" + %lgpo% /b "%output%\lgpoBackup" + cecho {0a}Backup of LSP created{#} echo. ) else ( - call:colorEcho 0c "Backup of LSP not created" + cecho {0c}Backup of LSP not created{#} echo. ) goto:EOF @@ -374,7 +368,7 @@ goto:EOF echo The CYBER POLICE will now try to enable the firewall... netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on netsh advfirewall set publicprofile firewallpolicy blockinboundalways,allowoutbound -call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have enabled the firewall" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have enabled the firewall{#} echo. echo The CYBER POLICE will now do some basic firewall hardening... for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%configPath%\FirewallRulesOFF.txt) do ( @@ -383,7 +377,7 @@ for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%configPath%\FirewallRulesOFF.txt) do ( netsh advfirewall firewall set rule name="%%A" new enable=no ) ) -call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE finished basic firewall hardening" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE finished basic firewall hardening{#} echo. call:manualVerify wf.msc goto:EOF @@ -401,14 +395,11 @@ for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%configPath%\RegistyHardenData.txt) do ( set regVal=%%J ) echo "Editing registry path !regPath!" - call:colorEcho 07 "Editing key" - call:colorEcho 0b " !regKey!" + cecho {07}Editing key {0b}!regKey!{#} echo. - call:colorEcho 07 "Editing variable type" - call:colorEcho 0d " !regType!" + cecho {07}Editing variable type {0d}!regType!{#} echo. - call:colorEcho 07 "Applying value" - call:colorEcho 0a " !regVal!" + cecho {07}Applying value {0a}!regVal!{#} echo. reg add "!regPath!" /v !regKey! /t !regType! /d !regVal! /f ) @@ -430,9 +421,7 @@ for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%output%\users.txt) do ( %wmicPath% UserAccount where Name='%%A' set PasswordChangeable=True %wmicPath% UserAccount where Name='%%A' set PasswordRequired=True %net% user %%A /logonpasswordchg:yes - call:colorEcho 0a "Properties for" - call:colorEcho 0b " %%A" - call:colorEcho 0a " were changed" + cecho {0a}Properties for {0b}%%A {0a}were changed{#} echo. ) ) @@ -444,29 +433,24 @@ set wfOutput=%output%\WindowsFeatures echo CYBER POLICE are making list of the status of current Windows features... %dism% /online /Get-Features>%wfOutput%\StatusWFBefore.txt echo.>%wfOutput%\DisabledWinFeatures.txt -call:colorEcho 0a "List has been made" +cecho {0a}List has been made!{#} echo. echo CYBER POLICE will now look at windows features... for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%configPath%\BadWinFeatures.txt) do ( - call:colorEcho 07 "CYBER POLICE are looking at feature" - call:colorEcho 0b " %%A" + cecho {07}CYBER POLICE are looking at feature {0b}%%A{#} echo. for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%B in ('%dism% /online /get-featureinfo /featurename:%%A ^| Find "State"') do set wfStatus=%%B for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%C in ("!wfStatus!") do set wfStatus=%%C - call:colorEcho 0b "%%A" - call:colorEcho 07 "'s current status is" - call:colorEcho 0b " !wfStatus!" + cecho {0b}%%A{07}'s current status is {0b}!wfStatus!{#} echo. if "!wfStatus!" == "Disabled" ( - call:colorEcho 0e "No need to disable" - call:colorEcho 0b " %%A" + cecho {0e}No need to disable {0b}%%A{#} echo. ) else ( echo %%A>>%wfOutput%\DisabledWinFeatures.txt %dism% /online /disable-feature /featurename:%%A - call:colorEcho 0a "Disabled feature" - call:colorEcho 0b " %%A" + cecho {0a}Disabled feature {0b}%%A{#} echo. ) ) @@ -477,7 +461,7 @@ net stop WinRM %powershellPath% Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol %powershellPath% Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2 %powershellPath% Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root -call:colorEcho 0a "CYBER POLICE are done finding bad Windows features" +cecho {0a}CYBER POLICE are done finding bad Windows features{#} echo. goto:EOF @@ -489,14 +473,10 @@ break>"!uOutDir!\enabledUsers.txt" for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (%output%\users.txt) do ( for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%B in ('%net% user "%%A" ^| Find "active"') do set userStatus=%%B if "!userStatus!"=="No" ( - call:colorEcho 0b "%%A" - call:colorEcho 07 " account is" - call:colorEcho 0b " Disabled" + cecho {0b}%%A {07}account is {0b}Disabled{#} echo. ) else ( - call:colorEcho 0b "%%A" - call:colorEcho 07 " account is" - call:colorEcho 0b " Enabled" + cecho {0b}%%A {07}account is {0b}Enabled{#} echo. echo %%A>>!uOutDir!\enabledUsers.txt ) @@ -531,8 +511,7 @@ for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%B in (%uOutDir%\authAdmins.txt) do ( for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%C in ("!line!") do ( endlocal & set "userChk=%%C" if "%~1"=="!userChk!" ( - call:colorEcho 0b "%~1" - call:colorEcho 0a " found" + cecho {0b}%~1 {0a}found!{#} echo. goto:EOF ) @@ -541,18 +520,15 @@ for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%B in (%uOutDir%\authAdmins.txt) do ( for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%D in (%uOutDir%\authUsers.txt) do ( set userChk=%%D if "%~1"=="!userChk!" ( - call:colorEcho 0b "%~1" - call:colorEcho 0a " found" + cecho {0b}%~1 {0a}found{#} echo. goto:EOF ) ) -call:colorEcho 0b "%~1" -call:colorEcho 0c " not found" +cecho {0b}%~1 {0c}not found{#} echo. -call:colorEcho 0e "Disabling" -call:colorEcho 0b " %~1" +cecho {0e}Disabling {0b}%~1{#} echo. net user %~1 /active:no goto:EOF @@ -562,41 +538,33 @@ endlocal & set "user=%~1" endlocal & set "pass=%~2" for /f "tokens=*" %%B in (!uOutDir!\enabledUsers.txt) do ( if "!user!"=="%%B" ( - call:colorEcho 0b "!user!" - call:colorEcho 0a " admin found" + cecho {0b}!user! {0a}admin found{#} + echo. + cecho {07}Giving {0b}!user! {07}password{#} echo. - call:colorEcho 07 "Giving" - call:colorEcho 0b " !user!" - call:colorEcho 07 " password" %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Gray -NoNewLine ": " %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Cyan "!pass!" net user !user! !pass! if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( call:userError !user! ) - call:colorEcho 07 "Managing" - call:colorEcho 0b " !user!" - call:colorEcho 07 " admin" + cecho {07}Managing {0b}!user! {07}admin{#} echo. %net% localgroup "Administrators" "!user!" /add goto:EOF ) ) -call:colorEcho 0b "!user!" -call:colorEcho 0c " admin not found" +cecho {0b}!user! {0c}admin not found{#} +echo. +cecho {07}Creating {0b}!user! {07}and giving password{#} echo. -call:colorEcho 07 "Creating" -call:colorEcho 0b " !user!" -call:colorEcho 07 " and giving password" %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Gray -NoNewLine ": " %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Cyan "!pass!" %net% user "!user!" "!pass!" /add if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( call:userError !user! ) -call:colorEcho 07 "Managing" -call:colorEcho 0b " !user!" -call:colorEcho 07 " admin" +cecho {07}Managing {0b}!user! {07}admin{#} echo. %net% localgroup "Administrators" "!user!" /add goto:EOF @@ -606,61 +574,51 @@ endlocal & set "user=%~1" endlocal & set "pass=%~2" for /f "tokens=*" %%B in (!uOutDir!\enabledUsers.txt) do ( if "!user!"=="%%B" ( - call:colorEcho 0b "!user!" - call:colorEcho 0a " found" + cecho {0b}!user! {0a}found{#} + echo. + cecho {07}Giving {0b}!user! {07} password{#} echo. - call:colorEcho 07 "Giving" - call:colorEcho 0b " !user!" - call:colorEcho 07 " password" %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Gray -NoNewLine ": " %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Cyan "!pass!" net user !user! !pass! - call:colorEcho 07 "Managing" - call:colorEcho 0b " !user!" - call:colorEcho 07 " user" + cecho {07}Managing {0b}!user! {07}user{#} echo. %net% localgroup "Users" "!user!" /add %net% localgroup "Administrators" "!user!" /delete goto:EOF ) ) -call:colorEcho 0b "!user!" -call:colorEcho 0c " not found" +cecho {0b}!user! {0c}not found{#} +echo. +cecho {07}Creating {0b}!user! {07}with password{#} echo. -call:colorEcho 07 "Creating" -call:colorEcho 0b " !user!" -call:colorEcho 07 " with password" %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Gray -NoNewLine ": " %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Cyan "!pass!" echo. %net% user "!user!" "!pass!" /add -call:colorEcho 07 "Managing" -call:colorEcho 0b " !user!" -call:colorEcho 07 " user" +cecho {07}Managing {0b}!user! {07}user{#} echo. %net% localgroup "Users" "!user!" /add %net% localgroup "Administrators" "!user!" /delete goto:EOF :userError -call:colorEcho 0c "Looks like there was an error configuring" -call:colorEcho 0b " %~1" +cecho {0c}Looks like there was an error configuring {0b}%~1{#} echo. -call:colorEcho 0e "it could be a password problem..." +cecho {0e}It could be a password problem...{#} echo. -call:colorEcho 0e "Change thier password to a default password, user might not be created if No (Default is Yes)" +cecho {0e}Change thier password to a default password, user might not be created if No (Default is Yes){#} echo. set /p aus="[Y/N]: " if /i "%aus%" neq "N" ( - call:colorEcho 07 "Current default password" + cecho {07}Current default password{#} %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Gray -NoNewLine ": " %powershellPath% Write-Host -Foregroundcolor Cyan "!password!" echo. %net% user "%~1" "!password!" /add ) else ( - call:colorEcho 0b "%~1" - call:colorEcho 0c " was not created" + cecho {0b}%~1 {0c}was not created{#} echo. ) %net% user %~1 /active:yes @@ -670,13 +628,13 @@ goto:EOF echo The CYBER POLICE will display connected remote sessions net session net session > %output%/CurrentRemoteSessions.txt -call:colorEcho 0a "Sessions are done showing" +cecho {0a}Sessions are done showing{#} echo. goto:EOF :rdp echo The CYBER POLICE will manage Remote Desktop... -call:colorEcho 0e "Enable remote desktop (Default will loop back)" +cecho {0e}Enable remote desktop (Default will loop back){#} echo. set /p rdpChk="[Y/N]:" if %rdpChk%==y ( @@ -686,12 +644,13 @@ if %rdpChk%==y ( reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v UserAuthentication /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fDenyTSConnections /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=yes - call:colorEcho 07 "The CYBER POLICE suggest you check" - call:colorEcho 0b "Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication" + cecho {07}The CYBER POLICE suggest you check{#} + echo. + cecho {0b}Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication{#} echo. call:manualVerify SystemPropertiesRemote.exe pause>nul - call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE enabled RDP" + cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE enabled RDP{#} echo. goto:EOF ) @@ -702,12 +661,11 @@ if %rdpChk%==n ( reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server" /v fAllowToGetHelp /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp" /v UserAuthentication /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="remote desktop" new enable=no - call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE disabled RDP" + cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE disabled RDP{#} echo. goto:EOF ) -call:colorEcho 0c "Invalid input" -call:colorEcho 0b " %rdpChk%" +cecho {0c}Invalid input {0b}%rdpChk%{#} echo. goto rdp @@ -719,7 +677,7 @@ echo the CYBER POLICE are setting power settings... powercfg -SETDCVALUEINDEX SCHEME_BALANCED SUB_NONE CONSOLELOCK 1 powercfg -SETDCVALUEINDEX SCHEME_MIN SUB_NONE CONSOLELOCK 1 powercfg -SETDCVALUEINDEX SCHEME_MAX SUB_NONE CONSOLELOCK 1 -call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE set power settings" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE set power settings!{#} echo. goto:EOF @@ -727,7 +685,8 @@ goto:EOF echo The CYBER POLICE are logging shares... net share net share > %output%\shares.txt -call:colorEcho 0a "Shares have been logged" +cecho {0a}Shares have been logged{#} +echo. echo. call:manualVerify fsmgmt.msc goto:EOF @@ -735,37 +694,39 @@ goto:EOF :uac echo The CYBER POLICE are enabling UAC... reg ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f -call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have enabled UAC" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have enabled UAC{#} echo. goto:EOF :verifysys echo "CYBER POLICE are verifying system files..." -call:colorEcho 0e "This will take a while, get a snack..." +cecho {0e}This will take a while, get a snack...{#} +echo. sfc /verifyonly -call:colorEcho 0a "CYBER POLICE are finally done" +cecho {0a}CYBER POLICE are finally done{#} +echo. goto:EOF :checkdns echo The CYBER POLICE will display current dns... ipconfig /displaydns ipconfig /displaydns > %output%/CurrentDNS.txt -call:colorEcho 0d "Output ends here" +cecho {0d}Output ends here{#} echo. echo The CYBER POLICE will display hosts file type C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts type C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts > %output%/CurrentHOSTS.txt -call:colorEcho 0d "Output ends here" +cecho {0d}Output ends here{#} echo. echo The CYBER POLICE will now flush dns... ipconfig /flushdns -call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have flushed dns" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have flushed dns{#} echo. echo The CYBER POLICE will now clear C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts... attrib -r -s C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts echo > C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts attrib +r +s C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts -call:colorEcho 0a "The CYBER POLICE have cleared the HOSTS file" +cecho {0a}The CYBER POLICE have cleared the HOSTS file{#} echo. goto:EOF @@ -774,22 +735,15 @@ goto:EOF goto:EOF :manualVerify -call:colorEcho 0b "Do you want to manually look at %~1 (Default is No)" +cecho {0b}Do you want to manually look at %~1 (Default is No){#} echo. set /p aus="[Y/N]: " if /i "%aus%" neq "Y" goto:EOF -call:colorEcho 0b "Running %~1..." +echo Running %~1... echo. start %~1 /wait echo. -call:colorEcho 0e "Press any key to let the CYBER POLICE continue..." +cecho {0e}Press any key to let the CYBER POLICE continue...{#} echo. pause >nul -goto:EOF - -:colorEcho -echo off -<nul set /p ".=%DEL%" > "%~2" -findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul -del "%~2" > nul 2>&1i goto:EOF \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/cecho.exe b/cecho.exe Binary files differ.