
Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
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commit 3bd5532f092f3e77a9b4751564e884352eb3cf0c
parent 917dcbb2a2a7047afe3c97ed121fca2d5e5130db
Author: Administrator@GAMER.EPIC <Administrator@GAMER.EPIC>
Date:   Sun,  7 Jun 2020 17:31:43 -0700

added event logs saving

MCyberPolice.bat | 6+++++-
APowershellScripts/SaveEventLogs.ps1 | 69+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MPowershellScripts/UserList.ps1 | 9++++++++-
3 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/CyberPolice.bat b/CyberPolice.bat @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion set functions=checkfiles usermgmtff userprop services firewall features passwordpol audit lockout rdp power sessions shares checkdns uac windef backuplsp lsp regharden verifysys auto logging -set analysisFunctions=allgpo listgpos listdisabledgpos gpoinfo gporeport backupgpos logfirewall logservices logusers netstat checksync manual +set analysisFunctions=allgpo listgpos listdisabledgpos gpoinfo gporeport backupgpos logfirewall logservices logusers netstat backupeventlogs checksync manual for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do ( set "DEL=%%a" @@ -854,6 +854,10 @@ net user net user > %output%\logs\userlog.txt goto:EOF +:backupeventlogs +%powershellPath% -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%powershellScriptPath%/SaveEventLogs.ps1" +goto:EOF + :createFile %powershellPath% -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "%powershellScriptPath%/CreateFile.ps1" %~1 %~2 goto:EOF diff --git a/PowershellScripts/SaveEventLogs.ps1 b/PowershellScripts/SaveEventLogs.ps1 @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +Write-Host "CYBER POLICE [Covert Ops] are now going to attempt to backup event logs (last 7 days)..." -ForegroundColor Magenta +$thispath = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition +$path = Split-Path -parent $thispath +$output = Get-content $path/CyberPoliceOutput/path.txt +New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $output/logs/eventLogsBackup | Out-Null + +Set-Variable -Name EventAgeDays -Value 7 +Set-Variable -Name LogNames -Value @("Application", "System", "Security") +Set-Variable -Name ExportFolder -Value $output\logs\eventLogsBackup\ + +Set-Variable -Name ServerNames -Value $env:computername + +$now=get-date +$startdate=$now.adddays(-$EventAgeDays) + +$quick=0 + +Write-host "Are you on an AD (Default is No)" -ForegroundColor Yellow +$Readhost = Read-Host "[Y/N]" +Switch ($ReadHost) { + Y { + $ServerNames = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Format-List name | Out-String + $ServerNames = $ServerNames.split(':')[1] + $ServerNames = $ServerNames -replace '\s','' + $LogNames += "DNS Server" + $LogNames += "Directory Service" + Write-Host "Ok." -ForegroundColor Green + } + N { Write-Host "Ok." -ForegroundColor Gray } + Default { Write-Host "Ok." -ForegroundColor Gray } +} +Write-host "Do you want to save message information... its slower (Default is No)" -ForegroundColor Yellow +$doQuick = Read-Host "[Y/N]" +Switch ($doQuick) { + Y { + $quick=1 + Write-Host "Ok." -ForegroundColor Green + } + N { + $quick=0 + Write-Host "Ok." -ForegroundColor Gray } + Default { + $quick=0 + Write-Host "Ok." -ForegroundColor Gray } +} +Write-host "Found computers:" -ForegroundColor Yellow +Write-Host $ServerNames -ForegroundColor Cyan + +Write-host "Please enter the name of the computer you want to back up the logs of (Case sensitive)" -ForegroundColor Yellow +$comp = Read-Host "Server Name" + +foreach($log in $LogNames) +{ + Write-Host Processing $comp\$log -ForegroundColor Yellow + $el = get-eventlog -ComputerName $comp -log $log -After $startdate + $el_c = $el | Sort-Object TimeGenerated + $ExportFile=$ExportFolder + $comp + "-" + $log + "-Log-" + $now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd---hh-mm-ss") + ".csv" + Write-Host Exporting $log Log to $ExportFile + if ($quick -eq 1) { + $el_c | Select EntryType, TimeGenerated, Source, EventID, MachineName, Message | Export-CSV $ExportFile -NoTypeInfo + } + else { + $el_c | Select EntryType, TimeGenerated, Source, EventID, MachineName | Export-CSV $ExportFile -NoTypeInfo + } + Write-Host Complete! + Write-Host Done exporting $log on $comp! -ForegroundColor Green +} +Write-Host "The CYBER POLICE [Covert Ops]: done backing up event logs for" + $comp -ForegroundColor Magenta+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PowershellScripts/UserList.ps1 b/PowershellScripts/UserList.ps1 @@ -21,8 +21,15 @@ Switch ($ReadHost) { New-Item $path2/usersAD.txt -ItemType file | Out-Null Write-Host "Created usersAD.txt file!" -ForegroundColor Yellow } + if (!(Test-Path "$path2/ADConnectedComputers.txt")) + { + New-Item $path2/ADConnectedComputers.txt -ItemType file | Out-Null + Write-Host "Created ADConnectedComputers.txt file!" -ForegroundColor Yellow + } + Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties ipv4Address, OperatingSystem, OperatingSystemServicePack | Format-List name, ipv4*, oper* | Out-File -FilePath $path2/ADConnectedComputers.txt + Write-Host "[AD] Connected Computers added to text file!" -ForegroundColor Yellow; Get-ADUser -Filter * | Out-File -FilePath $path2/usersAD.txt - Write-Host "AD Users added to text file!" -ForegroundColor Yellow; + Write-Host "[AD] Users added to text file!" -ForegroundColor Yellow; } N { Write-Host "Ok." -ForegroundColor Gray } Default { Write-Host "Ok." -ForegroundColor Gray }