
bash wrapper script for rsync
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rwrapper (12275B)

      1 #!/bin/bash
      3 # TODO make some way of having this script communicate with scripts on the backup server to handle compression
      4 # and pruning on the local machine rather than over an ssh connection. Do this in a non votile way
      6 # stop on errors
      7 set -e -o pipefail
      9 # Where logs are kept
     10 logfolder="/tmp/logs"
     11 # How long to keep backups in destination until they are deleted
     12 retention=30
     13 # The log name for this execution of the script
     14 logfile="$logfolder/log-$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z").log"
     15 # Start time of script
     16 start=$(date +%s.%N)
     18 # Prints message to stdout and appends to log file
     19 # Takes message as argument
     20 message() { echo "$1" | tee -a "$logfile"; }
     22 # Depending on use flags prune either remotely or locally and prune either directories or archives
     23 prune() { \
     24 	# Check if user specified prune
     25 	if [ -n "${prune+x}" ]; then
     26 		message "Pruning files..."
     27 		# if user is backing up locally and specified some sort of compression
     28 		if [ -n "${compress_diff+x}" ] || [ -n "${compress+x}" ] || [ -n "${encryptor_name}" ] && [ -n "${local_backup+x}" ]; then
     29 			message "Pruning old files on local ${dst} locally (compressed)"
     30 			# look for files that end in compression extension or gpg extension and delete of over retention days
     31 			find "${dst}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -name '*.tar.gz' -mtime +${retention} -o -name "*.tar.gz.gpg" -mtime +${retention} -not -path "${dst}/full/*" -exec rm -rfv {} \; 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
     32 		# if user is backing to remote server and specified some sort of compression
     33 		elif [ -n "${compress_diff+x}" ] || [ -n "${compress+x}" ] || [ -n "${encryptor_name}" ]; then
     34 			# find command same as above but does not use -exec because that does not work over ssh
     35 			remote_command="find ${dst#*:} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -name '*.tar.gz' -mtime +${retention} -o -name '*.tar.gz.gpg' -mtime +${retention} -not -path ${dst#*:}/full/* | xargs rm -rfv"
     36 			message "Pruning old files on ${dst%%:*} located at ${dst#*:} (compressed)"
     37 			# run the command over ssh
     38 			ssh "${dst%%:*}" "eval ${remote_command}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
     39 		# if user is backing up locally and did not specify and compression
     40 		elif [ -n "${local_backup+x}" ]; then
     41 			message "Pruning old files on local ${dst} locally (not compressed)"
     42 			# look for directiories over retention
     43 			find "${dst}" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +${retention} -not -path "${dst}/full" -exec rm -rfv {} \; 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
     44 		# must be backing up remotley and did not specify any compression
     45 		else
     46 			# look for directiories over retention
     47 			remote_command="find ${dst#*:} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +${retention} -not -path ${dst#*:}/full | xargs rm -rfv"
     48 			message "Pruning old files on ${dst%%:*} located at ${dst#*:} (not compressed)"
     49 			# run the command over ssh
     50 			ssh "${dst%%:*}" "eval ${remote_command}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
     51 		fi
     52 	fi ;}
     54 # Run ending messages and end with success
     55 end_backup() { \
     56 	message "Backup complete!"
     57 	message "Finished at: $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M)"
     58 	message "Execution time: $(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc) seconds"
     59 	message "##### Rsync Backup Finished ######"
     60 	exit 0
     61 }
     63 # Help screen
     64 info() { cat << EOF
     65 rwrapper: bash wrapper script for rsync
     66 Main actions:
     67   -s source_dir		provide source address for rsync (REQUIRED)
     68   -d destination_dir	provide destination address for rsync can be remote or local (REQUIRED)
     69 			NOTE: if local add -m flag!
     70   -r			remove ALL source files after transfer
     71   -x			compress entire source folder then sync
     72   -l log_dir		folder to keep logs. Default: /tmp/logs
     73   -m 			local backup. Script wont work from local dir to local dir without this set.
     74 			NOTE: do not have this set when doing remote transfers!
     75   -z			compress incremental backups need -i as well
     76   -p 			prune files if older than retention value
     77   -t number		set retention (days). Default: 30
     78   -e name		specify key name to encrypt backup archive with (implies -x)
     79   -i			Do incremental backups needed for -z to work
     80   -b rate		limit socket I/O bandwidth when running rsync
     82 Examples:
     84 	./rwrapper -s src -d fire@ -p -e fire
     86 Compress and encrypt file, enable pruning and send over to remote host.
     87 (space efficient, less likley to get corrupted data, and secure for off site backups)
     89 	./rwrapper -s src -d fire@ -px
     91 Same as above just don't encrypt data at rest (Best for space, less likley to get corrupted data)
     93 	./rwrapper -s /data/src -d /two/data/dst -irzpm
     95 Rsync files to local directory while keeping compressed incremental backups and removing source files
     96 (for local to work -m MUST be specified)
     97 (Most likley to have corrupted data over a remote connection because tar is being run over ssh)
     99 	./rwrapper -s /data/src -d cool@
    101 Just normal old rsync no compression or anything (good for not getting corrupted data, bad for space)
    103 	./rwrapper -s /data/src -d cool@ -pi -t 100 -b 50
    105 Set retention of (incremental backup) directories (not using compression) to 100 days and
    106 set maximum transfer spped to 50KB/s
    108 EOF
    109 }
    111 # Handles reading the users use flags and arguments entered
    112 while getopts "hrnxlmzpis:d:l:t:e:b:" o; do case "${o}" in
    113     s) src="${OPTARG%/}/" ;;
    114     d) dst="${OPTARG%/}" ;;
    115 	l) logfolder="${OPTARG%/}" ;;
    116 	n) dryrun=True ;;
    117 	x) compress=True ;;
    118 	m) local_backup=True ;;
    119 	z) compress_diff=True ;;
    120     r) remove=True ;;
    121 	t) retention="${OPTARG}" ;;
    122 	p) prune=True ;;
    123 	e) encryptor_name="${OPTARG}" ;;
    124 	i) incremental_backups=True ;;
    125 	b) rate_limit="${OPTARG}";;
    126     *) info;  exit 1 ;;
    127 esac done
    129 # Wherever you see 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile" that is a log to stdout and log file
    131 # Check for no options
    132 [ $OPTIND -eq 1 ] && info && exit 1
    134 message "##### Rsync Backup Started ######"
    135 message "Started at: $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M)"
    137 # check of source and destinations fields are entered
    138 # rsync and other programs handle the errors from this point on
    139 [ -z "$src" ] && message 'Missing source directory (missing flag -s) Exiting ...' >&2 && exit 1
    140 [ -z "$dst" ] && message 'Missing destination directory (missing flag -d) Exiting ...' >&2 && exit 1
    142 # Rsync config
    143 # -a archive mode save most attributes of a file including permissions
    144 # -P show progress of file, good if you are watching in the terminal
    145 # -v verbose
    146 # -h times in human readable format
    147 # -i show transferring files in list format
    148 # -O dont worry about changing directory times (without this rsync will throw a minor error about not being able to change directory times unless user owns file)
    149 # -A preseve acls
    150 # -X preserver xattrs
    151 # -z compress when transferring
    152 # --delete delete extraneous files from the receiving side (this is mostly to keep an up to date exact copy of the full directory)
    153 # --stats display and log stats after execution
    154 # --exclude exclude files maching pattern
    155 OPT="-aPvhiOAXz --delete --stats --exclude='*.incomplete'"
    156 # if user specifies -r remove source files after transfer successful to destination
    157 [ -n "${remove+x}" ] && OPT="$OPT --remove-source-files"
    158 # run in dryrun mode if specified
    159 [ -n "${dryrun+x}" ] && OPT="$OPT -n"
    160 # rsync will log to this programs log file
    161 LOG="--log-file=$logfile"
    162 # Keep the date dor incremental backups
    163 DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M)
    164 # do incremental backups if user specified -i
    165 BACKUP=""
    166 [ -n "${incremental_backups}" ] && BACKUP="--backup-dir=../$DATE/"
    167 # allow limiting of I/O socket bandwidth (read rsync man page for more on this option)
    168 RATE=""
    169 [ -n "${rate_limit}" ] && RATE="--bwlimit=${rate_limit}"
    171 # concatenated rsync command. Notice destination goes to full directory thats so delete doesnt remove our
    172 # incremental backups or other backups
    173 command="rsync ${OPT} ${LOG} ${RATE} ${src} ${dst}/full/ ${BACKUP}"
    174 # Rsync Notes:
    175 #
    176 # About checksums (from man page):
    177 # Note that rsync always verifies that each transferred file was correctly reconstructed on the receiving side
    178 # by checking a whole-file checksum that is generated as the file is transferred, but that automatic after-the-transfer
    179 # verification has nothing to do with this option's before-the-transfer "Does this file need to be updated?" check.
    180 #
    181 # Sync transfer is encrypted as it happens through SSH, unles rsync is daemonized, but thats why this script exists
    183 # Compress entire source directory (-x or -e)
    184 if [ -n "${compress+x}" ] || [ -n "${encryptor_name+x}" ]; then
    185 	# backup a directory up from the source directory just to avoid any problems
    186 	backupfile="${src}../full-backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M).tar.gz"
    187 	# if a local backup the archive can just be made in the destiantion directory
    188 	[ -n "${local_backup+x}" ] && backupfile="$dst/full-backup-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M).tar.gz"
    189 	# dry run will just make the archive command do nothing
    190 	[ -n "${dryrun+x}" ] && backupfile="/dev/null"
    191 	message "Compressing entire ${src} directory to ${backupfile}"
    192 	# compress entire archive. Excluding .incomplete files keeping all permissions (--acls --xattrs -p)
    193 	# --totals just logs the total size after compressed
    194 	tar --exclude '*.incomplete' --acls --xattrs -cpzf "${backupfile}" --totals "${src}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
    195 	# check if we are encrypting if we are encrypt with specified public key and remove unencrypted archive
    196 	[ -n "${encryptor_name+x}" ] && message "Encrypting archive with ${encryptor_name} key" \
    197 		&& gpg -e --batch --yes --no-symkey-cache -r "${encryptor_name}" "${backupfile}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile" \
    198 		&& rm -fv "${backupfile}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile" && backupfile="${backupfile}.gpg"
    199 	# if user wants to remove source directory contents do so now we are done backing it up
    200 	[ -n "${remove}" ] && message "Removing source directory" && rm -rfv "${src}"* 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
    201 	# local has no need for rsync, just end
    202 	[ -n "${local_backup+x}" ] && prune && end_backup
    203 	# rsync the archive to the remote server
    204 	# change destination for rsync command and only sync the file
    205 	# that way other files arent deleted by --delete option
    206 	command="rsync ${OPT} ${LOG} ${RATE} ${backupfile} ${dst}"
    207 	# since we just moving one file from outside the source directory lets get rsync to remove it when its done tranferring
    208 	[ -z "${BACKUP}" ] && command="rsync ${OPT} --remove-source-files ${LOG} ${RATE} ${backupfile} ${dst}"
    209 fi
    211 # Run rsync
    212 message "----- RSYNC START -----"
    213 message "Running: $command"
    214 # This loop will just keep going if rsync gets network errors as that will likley be resolved with time
    215 # if it succeeds the script continues if it doesnt it exits with error
    216 while true; do
    217 	eval "${command}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
    218 	exit_code=$?
    219 	case $exit_code in
    220 		10|23|30|35) message "${DATE}: rsync failed with a network type error: ${exit_code}!" && DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M) ;;
    221 		0) message "${DATE}: rsync had no errors!" && break ;;
    222 		*) message "${DATE}: rsync failed with unexpected error: ${exit_code}!" && exit 1 ;;
    223 esac done
    224 message "----- RSYNC END -----"
    226 # Compress incremental backups created by rsync with the --backup command (-z and -i)
    227 if [ -n "${incremental_backups}" ]; then
    228 	if [ -n "${compress_diff+x}" ] && [ -z "${local_backup+x}" ]; then
    229 		# Compress command to run on the remote machine
    230 		# {dst#*:} takes data after the semi-colon i.e the directory
    231 		# {dst%%:*} takes data before the semi colon i.e the host
    232 		remote_command="[ -d '${dst#*:}/${DATE}' ] && tar --acls --xattrs -cpzf ${dst#*:}/${DATE}.tar.gz --totals ${dst#*:}/${DATE} && rm -rf ${dst#*:}/${DATE:?} || :"
    233 		message "Compressing incremental backups on ${dst%%:*} located at ${dst#*:}"
    234 		# Run the remote command over ssh
    235 		ssh "${dst%%:*}" "eval ${remote_command}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
    236 	elif [ -n "${compress_diff+x}" ] && [ -n "${local_backup+x}" ] && [ -d "${dst}/${DATE}" ]; then
    237 		message "Compressing incremental backups at ${dst} locally"
    238 		# Just archive the incremental backup locally
    239 		tar --acls --xattrs -cpzf "${dst}/${DATE}.tar.gz" --totals "${dst}/${DATE}" && rm -rf "${dst:?}/${DATE:?}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$logfile"
    240 	fi
    241 fi
    243 # files all transferred clean up
    244 prune
    245 end_backup
    247 # To decrypt if specified -e
    248 # 1. Be on machine that has the key that matches the name you used to encrypt
    249 # 2. run: gpg -d --output <outfile> <infile>
    250 # This will decrypt with the private key as we encrypt with the public key
    251 # To make gpg key run gpg --full-generate-key