GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf (7008B)
1 '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 '// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved 3 '// 4 '// Title: GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf 5 '// Author: 6 '// Created: 8/29/2002 7 '// 8 '// Purpose: Takes a domain name and gets reports for all GPOs in that 9 '// domain 10 '// Revision: Ported from JScript->VBScript by dtsaltas (December 2002) 11 '// 12 '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 13 14 '/////////////////////////////////////// 15 '// Initialization 16 '/////////////////////////////////////// 17 <job> 18 19 ' Include necessary libraries 20 21 <script language="JScript" src="Lib_CommonGPMCFunctions.js"/> 22 <script language="VBScript"> 23 24 ' Create global objects for use by the rest of the script 25 Dim GPM : Set GPM = CreateObject("GPMgmt.GPM") 26 Dim Constants : Set Constants = GPM.GetConstants() 27 28 '/////////////////////////////////////// 29 '// Main script 30 '/////////////////////////////////////// 31 32 ' Handle command line arguments 33 Dim ArgumentList : Set ArgumentList = ProcessCommandLineArguments() 34 Dim szDomainName : szDomainName = ArgumentList.Item("Domain") 35 Dim szReportLocation : szReportLocation = ArgumentList.Item("ReportLocation") 36 37 ' Validate the path given 38 Dim bValidPath : bValidPath = ValidatePath(szReportLocation) 39 40 If bValidPath = false Then 41 WScript.Echo "The path '" & szReportLocation & "' could not be found." 42 WScript.Echo "Verify the path exists." 43 WScript.Quit 44 End If 45 46 ' Initialize the Domain object 47 Dim GPMDomain : Set GPMDomain = GPM.GetDomain(szDomainName, "", Constants.UseAnyDC) 48 49 ' Generate reports for all GPOs in the specified domain 50 GetReportsForAllGPOs szReportLocation, GPMDomain 51 52 '/////////////////////////////////////// 53 '// Function Definitions 54 '/////////////////////////////////////// 55 56 ' Generates reports for all GPOs in the specified domain to a given file system location 57 Function GetReportsForAllGPOs(szReportLocation, GPMDomain) 58 59 ' Create the search criteria object 60 Set GPMSearchCriteria = GPM.CreateSearchCriteria() 61 62 ' Get all of the GPOs by passing in the blank 63 ' SearchCriteria 64 65 Set GPOList = GPMDomain.SearchGPOs(GPMSearchCriteria) 66 67 WScript.Echo "== Found " & GPOList.Count & " GPOs in " & GPMDomain.Domain & vbCrLf 68 69 ' Loop through the list and print info for each GPO 70 iSuccessCount = 0 71 iFailureCount = 0 72 szReportName = "" 73 74 For Each GPMGPO In GPOList 75 ' Generate the XML report 76 On Error Resume Next 77 Err.Clear 78 szReportName = GPMGPO.DisplayName & ".xml" 79 80 ' Get rid of any invalid file name characters 81 szReportName = GetValidFileName(szReportName) 82 83 WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "Generating XML report for GPO '" & GPMGPO.DisplayName & "'" 84 Set GPMResult = GPMGPO.GenerateReportToFile(Constants.ReportXML, szReportLocation & "\\" & CStr(szReportName)) 85 86 If Err.Number <> 0 Then 87 WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "The attempt to generate the XML report failed for GPO " & GPMGPO.ID 88 WScript.Echo Hex(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description 89 iFailureCount = iFailureCount + 1 90 bFailed = True 91 Else 92 93 ' Call the OverallStatus method on the GPMResult. This will throw an exception if there 94 ' were any errors during the actual operation. 95 GPMResult.OverallStatus 96 97 If Err.Number <> 0 Then 98 ' If we were able to get a GPMResult object, print any status message errors 99 If Not GPMResult Is Nothing Then 100 PrintStatusMessages GPMResult 101 End If 102 103 WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "The attempt to generate the XML report failed for GPO " & GPMGPO.ID 104 WScript.Echo Hex(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description 105 iFailureCount = iFailureCount + 1 106 bFailed = True 107 End If 108 End If 109 110 If Not bFailed = True Then 111 ' Print any status message warnings 112 PrintStatusMessages GPMResult 113 114 iSuccessCount = iSuccessCount + 1 115 116 ' Generate the HTML report 117 On Error Resume Next 118 Err.Clear 119 szReportName = GPMGPO.DisplayName & ".html" 120 121 ' Get rid of any invalid file name characters 122 szReportName = GetValidFileName(szReportName) 123 124 WScript.Echo "Generating HTML report for GPO '" & GPMGPO.DisplayName & "'" 125 Set GPMResult = GPMGPO.GenerateReportToFile(Constants.ReportHTML, szReportLocation & "\\" & szReportName) 126 127 If Err.Number <> 0 Then 128 WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "The attempt to generate the HTML report failed for GPO " & GPMGPO.ID 129 WScript.Echo Hex(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description 130 iFailureCount = iFailureCount + 1 131 bFailed = True 132 Else 133 134 ' Call the OverallStatus method on the GPMResult. This will throw an exception if there 135 ' were any errors during the actual operation. 136 GPMResult.OverallStatus 137 138 If Err.Number <> 0 Then 139 'If we were able to get a GPMResult object, print any status message errors 140 If Not GPMResult Is Nothing Then 141 PrintStatusMessages GPMResult 142 End If 143 144 WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "The attempt to generate the HTML report failed for GPO " & GPMGPO.ID 145 WScript.Echo Hex(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description 146 iFailureCount = iFailureCount + 1 147 bFailed = True 148 End If 149 End If 150 151 ' Print any status message warnings 152 If bFailed = False Then 153 PrintStatusMessages GPMResult 154 iSuccessCount = iSuccessCount + 1 155 End If 156 End If 157 Next 158 159 WScript.Echo vbCrLf & "Report generation succeeded for " & iSuccessCount & " reports." 160 WScript.Echo "Report generation failed for " & iFailureCount & " reports." 161 162 End Function 163 164 165 ' Returns a dictionary object 166 ' containing the named arguments and values that were passed in 167 Function ProcessCommandLineArguments() 168 169 Dim szReportLocation : szReportLocation = "" 170 Dim szDomainName : szDomainName = "" 171 172 ' Check if this is cscript. If not, print an error and bail out 173 174 If UCase(Right(WScript.FullName,11)) = "WSCRIPT.EXE" Then 175 WScript.Echo "You must use cscript.exe to execute this script." 176 WScript.Quit(-1) 177 End If 178 179 If WScript.Arguments.Length = 0 Then 180 181 WScript.Arguments.ShowUsage() 182 WScript.Quit(-1) 183 End If 184 185 Dim Result : Set Result = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 186 187 szReportLocation = WScript.Arguments(0) 188 189 If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("Domain") Then 190 191 szDomainName = WScript.Arguments.Named("Domain") 192 End If 193 194 ' Get the current domain if none was specified 195 If szDomainName = "" Then 196 197 szDomainName = GetDNSDomainForCurrentUser() 198 End If 199 200 201 Result.Add "Domain" , szDomainName 202 Result.Add "ReportLocation" , szReportLocation 203 204 205 Set ProcessCommandLineArguments = Result 206 207 End Function 208 209 </script> 210 211 <!-- Usage and command line argument information --> 212 <runtime> 213 214 <description> 215 Generates reports for all GPOs in a given domain to the specified file system location. 216 </description> 217 218 <unnamed name="ReportLocation" helpstring="File system location to save reports to" type="string" required="true" /> 219 <named name="Domain" helpstring="DNS name of domain" type="string" required="false"/> 220 221 <example> 222 Example: GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf c:\reports 223 </example> 224 225 </runtime> 226 227 </job>